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Industry news

Viktoria and Woods
NSW Inquiry: Procurement Recommendations Could Lead to a Bright Future for Local TCF Manufacturing
The report identifies changes in government procurement policies that can revolutionise local TCF manufacturing, boosting local businesses and creating more job opportunities.
18 October 2024
AFC submission to the ABS review of the ANZSCO codes
The AFC recommends immediate funding to undertake a nationwide review of current, emerging and future TCF manufacturing occupations and match occupations to the ABS ANZSCO codes.
20 September 2024
AFC launches Victorian TCF Manufacturing: Future Jobs, Technology and Economic Growth Report
AFC launches the Victorian TCF Manufacturing: Future Jobs, Technology and Economic Growth Report, identifying five key areas to drive productivity, innovation and higher wage growth in the Victorian TCF manufacturing sector.
6 September 2024
Fashion Exporting: New Changes to the ‘Export Market Development Grant’ (EMDG) Program
The EMDG program has been updated to better meet the needs for fashion exporting, providing short term assistance to help you start, expand, and diversify your exports.
30 August 2024
The new AFC Strategy: Shaping the Future of Australian Fashion and Textiles
We’re ready to roll up our sleeves and work alongside you, secure funding to tackle the programs, advocate for better industry support, create new educational pathways, and build the infrastructure we need for a more sustainable future.
23 August 2024
AFC Submission Into NSW Government Procurement Inquiry
NSW Government procurement can yield long-term economic benefits, such as job creation, increased taxable income, higher skilled occupations, reinvestment in technology and R & D, and overall industry growth.
21 June 2024
AFC Highlights from 2023: Guiding the Just Transformation of our Industry
Let’s celebrate the milestones achieved for our industry, all made possible through the unwavering support of our dedicated AFC Members, Patrons and Partners.
14 December 2023
Our transformation journey
Looking forward to the year ahead with AFC CEO, Leila Naja Hibri
2 March 2023
8 fashion and textile skills escalated on the National Skills Priority List for 2022.
8 fashion & textiles manufacturing skills have been escalated on the National Skills Priority List in 2022.
25 October 2022
Government Crackdown on Greenwashing | Olvera Advisors
Why is the ACCC targeting greenwashing and how does it impact your brand?
28 July 2022
Stronger Together | Industry Modelling Report and Australian Fashion™ Launch
The Australian Fashion trade mark will be a driving force in building the industry’s growth trajectory to deliver substantial economic, social and environmental gains over the next ten years
9 May 2022
A Letter From Leila, CEO Of The AFC | April 2022
This is our moment. Let us unite, reignite and transform our industry together.
28 April 2022
A Letter from Leila, CEO of the AFC | January 2022
Despite the many Covid-related obstacles we all faced last year, as an industry we banded together, demonstrating our tenacity and sense of community.
25 January 2022
Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement: Good news for Australian-Made exporters to the UK.
The Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement will remove tariffs for products between Australia and the UK - a win for Australian made fashion and textile businesses who export to the UK.
7 January 2022
GDPR Compliance for selling online in Europe | Marque Lawyers
AFC Patron Member Marque Lawyers explain GDPR compliance and how Australian businesses can tackle laws around personal data for selling online in the European Union.
24 November 2021
Modern Slavery Checklist | Fioro Legal
Fioro Legal’s Modern Slavery Checklist can help businesses identify modern slavery risks as well as areas which might benefit from improved compliance processes or enhanced focus on sustainability.
14 September 2021
New law passed to give Australian designers greater legal protection
The recently passed amendment to the Designs Act creates positive changes for designers seeking to register and protect their designs.
8 September 2021
Covid-19 Industry Update | Advocacy and Industry Recovery
We are requesting that local fashion and textile industry makers and manufacturers be given the same privileges of construction and warehousing workers.
31 August 2021
High Fashion to High Vis | The Economic Contribution of Australia’s Fashion & Textile Sector
The AFC is excited to release the findings from a new report commissioned to EY, and supported by Afterpay. It is the most comprehensive study of the entire fashion and textile ecosystem in Australia, highlighting a $27.2 billion contribution to the Australian economy in 2020-21.
31 May 2021
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