Premier Dan Andrews has confirmed Metro Melbourne will move into Step 2 of the roadmap out of lockdown as of 11:59pm on Sunday 27 September, 2020.
Premier Dan Andrews has confirmed Metro Melbourne will move into Step 2 of the roadmap out of lockdown as of 11:59pm on Sunday 27 September, 2020.
Based on case outcomes being ahead of target at this point, Andrews also noted a shift to the originally proposed dates for moving to Step 3 (end of October) and Step 4 (end of November). The intention now will be to move to Step 3 on Monday 19 October, of course subject to case numbers and trigger points.
Below are the basics of how this impacts our industry and links to more detailed information.
The Manufacturing sector will be permitted to operate at a “Restricted” level.
Retail in our industry, defined as Retail (other), will see no change, operating at “Heavily Restricted - Click and Collect within 5km or delivery only”.
Staff and visitors must be 1.5m apart at all times
Density quotient applied to share spaces (e.g. workspace, tearooms)
Display signs showing patron limits at the entrance to enclosed areas where limits apply
Use floor markings to provide minimum physical distancing guides
Minimise the build-up of people waiting to enter and exit the workplace
Provide training to staff on physical distancing expectations while working and socialising (including during lunch breaks)
Additional Requirements for Manufacturing - Restricted Level:
Manufacturing that was closed in Heavily Restricted phase can operate at a maximum of 90% of normal daily worker level
Staff who can work from home, should work from home
Carpooling restricted as per public health directions
All staff to wear a mask as per current directions
Provide training/guidance on how to use PPE
Install screens or barriers
Frequent and regular cleaning and disinfection of shared spaces
Make soap and hand sanitiser available for all staff and customers throughout the workplace
Replace high-touch communal items with hygienic alternatives
Display a cleaning log in shared spaces
Additional Requirements for Manufacturing - Restricted Level:
Auditing of cleaning log
Support staff to stay home and get tested even if they only have mild symptoms
Have a plan to manage cases, notify others and potentially close down if there are coronavirus (COVID-19) cases
Keep records of all people who enter the workplace for contact tracing
Temperature checking
Additional Requirements for Manufacturing - Restricted Level:
Ask staff to declare verbally before each shift that are free of symptoms
Move as much activity outside as possible, including serving customers, meetings, kitchens, tearooms and lunch breaks
Enhance airflow by opening windows and doors
Do not recirculate air
Keep groups of staff rostered on the same shifts for a given geographic area/site
No overlap in shift changes
Additional Requirements for Manufacturing - Restricted Level:
Should minimise number of staff members working across other work sites
Keep groups of staff rostered on the same shifts/areas within a site
No overlap in shift changes (where applicable)
Premier Statement -
Details specific to Steps and industries via the Vic Gov website -
Business Information -
Creating a COVIDSafe Plan -
Outline of community permissions from Step 1 into Step 2 -