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2019 Standards Update

AFC are currently represented on over 20 Standards Australia committees relevant to our industry. These committees cover standards specific to textiles and technology, consumer apparel and industrial apparel…

by The AFC

2 December 2019

2019 Standards Update

AFC are currently represented on over 20 Standards Australia committees relevant to our industry. These committees cover standards specific to textiles and technology, consumer apparel and industrial apparel.

Our representatives are elected from our membership, based on their industry experience and technical knowledge.

Throughout the year we host multiple sessions to update our members on standards progress, raise any project proposals for standard development and obtain voting consensus for our position as an industry, on any developments.

For information on standards, you can visit our own relevant pages where some important information is outlined and a number of resources are linked.

If you are interested in representing AFC on standards development, or joining us for cluster meetings throughout the year, please contact



CS 004 - Labelling of Textiles

We are currently seeking representation on Standards Australia committee CS-004 - Labelling of Textiles.

The key relevant information includes the Committee Terms of reference, the list of published standards and the committee constitution. This information can be found HERE.

If you have an interest in representing AFC on this committee, as well as relevant experience and technical knowledge, you can submit a nomination HERE.

NB: you must be a member to represent AFC on Standards Australia committees and participate in standards development. Get in touch if you’d like to become a member or check your member status -



Standards Australia is committed to maintaining a contemporary, relevant and internationally aligned catalogue of Australian Standards and other publications. The Aged Standards Review process is one of the ways that Standards Australia gives effect to that commitment by seeking committee member and broader stakeholder views on the proposed withdrawal of standards and other publications that are over 10 years old.

Standards Australia’s default policy position has been to propose the withdrawal of publications over 10 years old, where no existing active committee is available to provide input on the publication. As part of this process, they are asking a broad range of stakeholders to provide their views on whether these publications should be withdrawn, reconfirmed without changes or revised.


Consider the possibilities below, and notify the Aged Standards Team at on your assessment and recommendation.

1. No response/No objection (Withdrawn)

If no response/strong objections (with justification) are received, Standards Australia will progress to categorise the publications as ‘withdrawn’. However, this does not impact the publication’s availability, or public’s ability to use the publication.

The withdrawn status indicates that the Standard is no longer relevant. Standards Australia will not undertake further work to maintain or update a withdrawn Standard.

It is still possible for a withdrawn Standard to be used within an industry or referenced by a government if they choose to do so. One reason for this may be because there are no replacement technical publications readily available.

2. Propose Revision

If a publication on the list of proposed withdrawals is appropriate to retain its status as a current publication, but its content needs to be updated to be considered fit-for-purpose, a proposal can be submitted to revise the publication.

Where, as a result of this process, it is recommended that a publication should be revised, the publication will be marked for revision and the status of the publication will be changed to “Pending Revision” for a 12 month period.

Before the end of the 12 month period, a completed project proposal, which meets the criteria of quality and demonstrates net benefit, must be submitted for the publication’ revision, otherwise Standards Australia will withdraw the publication.

The key considerations that should be included in the project proposal are: 

  • What is the issue for which the revision is required?

  • What should be changed in the publication to address the issue and make the publication fit-for-purpose (be as detailed as you can)?

  • Who else from industry would have an interest in and would support this proposal?

The revision process remains subject to Standards Australia’s standards development and project prioritisation procedures. Please email Standards Australia’s Stakeholder Engagement Managers for further assistance with the submission process.

3. Propose Reconfirmation

If a publication on the list of proposed withdrawals is still being used in your industry or community and is considered technically up to date, the publication may be ‘reconfirmed’ with wide-spread stakeholder support.

Reconfirmation is appropriate when the ‘current’ status of the publication is to be renewed (“reconfirmed”) without any changes to its content.

For further information, please contact Standards Australia on 1800 035 822 or email the Aged Standards Team at

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