Connect with the fashion community
Join the conversation with your peers and industry leaders. Hosted 3 times a year, AFC Member Forums provide members with the opportunity to voice your feedback, network, discuss key issues to inform our industry strategy and solve collective challenges together
Government Advocacy and Country Leaders
AFC advocates for the Australian fashion industry through government forums and engagement. Hosting an annual showcase at Kirribilli House and representing the fashion industry across all levels of government, AFC connects and advocates for our members to key stakeholders for positive change.
Access tools, reports and resources
Gain insights and expertise from toolkits, reports and webinars across a range of industry specific topics from Social & Environmental Impact, Grants and Labelling through to International Regulation and Local Manufacturing.
Benefit from key impact programs
AFC members gain access to exclusive programs, resources and initiatives across our four impact areas: Local Manufacturing; Export & Trade; Jobs & Skills; and Sustainability & Circularity.
Support the Indigenous Fashion Fund
In Australia, we have the privilege of learning from incredible First Nations design traditions and the AFC is proud to contribute 5% of membership fees to the Indigenous Fashion Fund.