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Meet Assia Benmedjdoub | Publisher at Ragtrader

Ragtrader has been a trusted source of information for the Australian fashion industry since the 1970s, evolving into daily digital content, a bimonthly magazine and annual events and conferences.

by The AFC

21 July 2021


Tell us about you and Ragtrader

What Australian fashion staple is locally owned, operated and approaching its 50 year milestone? Ragtrader has been a trusted source of information for the Australian fashion industry since the 1970s, evolving into daily digital content, a bimonthly magazine and annual events and conferences.

These channels deliver insights on the entire fashion retail ecosystem, from managing profitable front-end retail and eCommerce businesses to optimising back-end processes such as manufacturing and inventory.

Tell us a little about your industry background and what brought you to working in your industry?

Ragtrader has a number of long-serving members with a deep understanding of Australia’s fashion landscape, including founder and regular contributor Fraser McEwing. I’ve been with the title for over a decade and started my journey by interning at consumer fashion publications.

How does Ragtrader work with the Australian fashion & textile industry?

The majority of our audience consists of key decision-makers including C-Suite management and brand owners, making up 93% of the readership. Ragtrader works to provide these leaders with regular news, in-depth analysis and networking opportunities to make empowered business decisions.

What are some key projects Ragtrader is working on that you would like to highlight to the AFC community?

We have amplified our content to include downloadable reports into core categories such as fashion eCommerce, marketing and retail operations. We have also created a number of virtual programs to keep the industry connected during lockdown. These can be accessed via our free newsletter and subscription to this is available here.

What is next? Any exciting developments, collaborations or events in the pipeline?

Having recently welcomed a full house to our Ragtrader Live conference in Sydney, we are looking forward to hosting a Melbourne iteration later this year. We are also working on a number of content extensions for the second half, including a venture into the podcast space.

What are you offering to AFC Members and how will this help their business?

Ragtrader is thrilled to offer AFC Members a VIP rate to attend our conferences as well as 40% off subscriptions. We believe these channels will provide clothing, footwear and accessories businesses the information and networking opportunities to succeed.

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