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Industry news

Viktoria and Woods
Victoria Revealed as Australia’s $1 Billion Fashion Manufacturing Capital
“Victoria can be a global leader in advanced, sustainable manufacturing while boosting jobs and developing skills."
27 March 2024
Our transformation journey
Looking forward to the year ahead with AFC CEO, Leila Naja Hibri
2 March 2023
8 fashion and textile skills escalated on the National Skills Priority List for 2022.
8 fashion & textiles manufacturing skills have been escalated on the National Skills Priority List in 2022.
25 October 2022
Labelling guide & Standards Toolkit
With consumers increasing interest in sustainability, the information brands are expected to provide now extends past the size but where it was made and what it is made of.
12 October 2021
Business in Fashion Toolkits | Olvera Advisors
The Business in Fashion toolkit aims to support industry players who are looking to upskill their knowledge on the in’s and out’s of starting, maintaining and operating a healthy fashion business.
16 September 2021
Creating a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace | Red Wagon
Positive workplace culture ensures that your employees are safe and supported in a workplace that does not tolerate bullying, harassment or discrimination.
11 October 2021
A legal introduction to eCommerce | Presented by Marque Lawyers
This eCommerce guide will introduce you to some of the most common legal issues that are seen in the eCommerce world. Produced by AFC Affiliate partner Marque Lawyers.
4 August 2021
High Fashion to High Vis | The Economic Contribution of Australia’s Fashion & Textile Sector
The AFC is excited to release the findings from a new report commissioned to EY, and supported by Afterpay. It is the most comprehensive study of the entire fashion and textile ecosystem in Australia, highlighting a $27.2 billion contribution to the Australian economy in 2020-21.
31 May 2021
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