With a sister company in the UK, we ensure that all our course materials use the latest global best practice thinking. Our courses wholly relate to the skills and competencies required to work in a buying department, without the constraints of academia. We have three courses to choose from:
• The Essential Buyer's Toolkit - 6 weeks
• The Essential Planner's Toolkit - 6 weeks
• The Ultimate Buying & Planning Launchpad - 6 months
Each program is undertaken online, with weekly live tutorials with industry experts. Students on the Ultimate program work as an intern in a buying office for 1-2 days per week for the duration of the course allowing them to build valuable work-ready skills.
On completion, our students have access to a careers mentor for a six-month period.
With a sister company in the UK, we ensure that all our course materials use the latest global best practice thinking. Our courses wholly relate to the skills and competencies required to work in a buying department, without the constraints of academia. We have three courses to choose from:
• The Essential Buyer's Toolkit - 6 weeks
• The Essential Planner's Toolkit - 6 weeks
• The Ultimate Buying & Planning Launchpad - 6 months
Each program is undertaken online, with weekly live tutorials with industry experts. Students on the Ultimate program work as an intern in a buying office for 1-2 days per week for the duration of the course allowing them to build valuable work-ready skills.
On completion, our students have access to a careers mentor for a six-month period.